Alena Vershinina

Alex Jani Sintaban

Alex Jani Sintaban - Malaysia

Equine Health Program
The mission of the new Equine Health Program at the NC State’s College of Veterinary Medicine is to improve horse health throughout the Southeastern United States. The program’s initial goal is to promote interaction between people interested in horse health. Read more here

Dr. Oscar Fletcher, dean of the CVM, appointed Dr. Dick Mansmann as the director of the Equine Health Program in 2001 to oversee the development of relationships between horse owners, veterinarians and CVM equine faculty. If you have questions about the program or would like more information, you may contact him by phone at (919) 513-6433 or at

Ms. Chandy Christian, the Executive Director of Development and College Relations, and a horse owner, oversees the fundraising efforts necessary to assure that equine scholarship and discovery can continue to improve the health of horses. The “Gallop of Honor” was recently established to provide a means for horse owners to remember and honor their horses and support horse health. For information on this program contact Ms. Christian by phone at (919) 513-6660

Alex Jani Sintaban